Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 09, 1997 at 23:15:41:
In Reply to: Re: Bertrand Russell posted by Lynn on January 09, 1997 at 12:23:22:
: I foudn your Thomas Jefferson quote so shocking that I went to look up some information on him. I could hardly believe the things he was quoted as saying, as he was very anti-christian. I'm feeling very disolutioned and betrayed by those who are certainly educated enough to know that THomas J. was not a Christian, yet they have been telling me all these years that he was. I feel I must go and do a lot of research on history before I can continue to debate with all of you.
He wasn't really "anti-Christian" just knew the dangers which could happen if any one religious belief system could take over. Also, remember that it is the victor who writes the history which most are exposed to. To get the facts behind what you are told, you should do some digging. Nowadays anyone who does expose a popular myth about a historical figure is usually called a revisionist, but it was the ones who originally wrote the history who are the revisionists.
: I have never been able to choose a church or denomination because I have never found one that seems to possess the whole truth, and I now mistrust the religious establishment even more than before. They build empires in the name of God and are far too involved in politics. I do not believe this is what He intended. Even so, if every Christian on the earth proved to be false it would not turn me against my Lord, because I know Him. Perhaps it is the false teachings of the pious that will lead to the apostacy, which in turn will lead to the rise of the anit-christ. Those responsible will certainly pay a heavy price.
In most cases it is not the believers which many find fault with, but the religion in which they follow.